Nueance shelf

After fallowing many threads here on audiogon(GLAD YOUR BACK)Ive changed my system to the light rigid point of view.The Neuance shelf now sits on a solid light weilded stand with 2 shelfs only.Each shelf is cross braced with weilded points 1in high,neuance on top,CDP with factory cones and coasters.(wadia 861)The improvement with the shelf is a more relaxed and focused presentaion, The P.R.A.T has finally been acheived with help from fellow members KEN of GREATERANGES REDKIWI, and the many others this approach does work.I just wish Ken would design a shelf for my 75lb tube amps.
Ass. Equip.
wadia 861
nordost quatrafill
papworth audio m200s (240 watt tubes amps)
Syn.Des. Ref.speaker cable
Dunlavy SC4a,s
PC. Cardas Golden Ref.
Audioprism Foundation 111 (my next upgrade)
Its this forum that many out here in web space can learn and share expereinces that work and dont.

Showing 1 response by evo845

I received my shelf last week and was askinf Ken if there was one availeble for my 73-75lb amps and he said No the weight limit was 50lb with a 15lb fudge factor. On Ken recommendation I maid a DIY for my amps.
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