NPR, Wine Tasteing, & Audiophiles

Was running errands yesterday and caught the last bit of a rather famous story about wine tasting on National Public Radio. They did a single blind test with several highly thought of experts to find out what the 'best' wines were. The clear winner for white whine was a lowly California vintage, and in general the realy high priced famous vintage stuff did not fare better than some current vintage wines that the average person might afford.
Remind you of anything :).

Showing 3 responses by gunbei

I did a double blind test about five years ago.

I blindfolded and tied up my girlfriend spread eagled to the bed, then just left her there and went in to the next room to listen to my new DAC.

She was begging for more.
Mimberman, I know. It must be because I put the DAC reference in the post, heheh.
A few months ago, I went to see Jesse Cook perform at a winery in Temecula, CA. That's about all I know about wine.

Yrr, fast food needs to be inserted somewhere in that list! Heheh.

I like Two Buck Chuck!