NPR, Wine Tasteing, & Audiophiles

Was running errands yesterday and caught the last bit of a rather famous story about wine tasting on National Public Radio. They did a single blind test with several highly thought of experts to find out what the 'best' wines were. The clear winner for white whine was a lowly California vintage, and in general the realy high priced famous vintage stuff did not fare better than some current vintage wines that the average person might afford.
Remind you of anything :).

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

Reminds me that blind testing is not a replacement for long term experience.

By the way, my favorite wines are the fine French Bordeaux's but they are too expensive for my budget in these lean times.

Instead, I drink Australian, California and other great wines that might rank 75 - 85 points against an almost perfect 99 - 100 French. I find good wines at $7.00 to $11.00 a bottle whereas the best might cost several hundred dollars.

Are the best wines worth that much more than the 75 to 85 rated wines? Yes, if that's what is important to you and have the money to spend. No, if your looking for "value" for the dollar.

From that standpoint, yes, it reminds me of something...........high end audio.

For instance Vandersteen 2C speakers are clearly a better value than my Dali Megalines simply because you can buy 44 pair of the Vandys for what one pair of Megalines cost.

Many things in life work this way.
Don't forget this from "The Jerk".

Navin: (Steve Martin) "Marie, now just stay calm. Stay calm. Don't look down, don't look down! Look up! Just keep your eyes up and keep them that way, o.k.!

Waiter, there are snails on her plate. Now get them out of here before she sees them! Look away, just look away, keep your eyes that way! You would think that in a fancy restaurant at these prices you could keep the snails off the food!

There are so many snails there you can't even see the food!

Take those away and bring us those melted cheese sandwich appetizers you talked me out of!"

Waiter: "Oui monsieur."

Navin: "Can you believe this? First, they didn't have the bamboo umbrellas for the wine, and now snails on the food! Two boobs! That's what he takes us for!"