Now Hear This

I've been lookiing for low priced floorstanders for quite a while now. Thank you to everyone who has given advice in the past.
A local guy has a pair of NHT 2.5i that are actually in my price range. I've read all the info on the web and now need your help again. I'm thinking I can get a pretty good pair of speakers and stay within my budget. They are lightly used in great condition, $400.
Are these worth checking out? I can audition them but they aren't just across town, so I don't want to waste my time.
Can someone tell me about the sound. I know these are gorgeous, light maple colored sycamore with cream grills, and that isn't even considering their inherent cool shape.
Should I be turned off by that side firing sub? I never liked that but I really don't know why.
I have an Onkyo 805 receiver 130wts. I also have a def tech sub.
Quick opinions appreciated as they will probably sell fast.

Showing 1 response by mr_man

I would say that PSB speakers are generaly warmer than NHT.

I'd agree with Rbstehno, who found the Totem sound less fatiguing than NHT. I find PSB somewhat warmer than Totem.