Novice Question: Dedicated Streamers

Basically, I’m confused as to what function a stand-alone music streamer without onboard storage serves.  I know I’ve got some sort of glaring, mental blank spot about this.....the only thing I can figure is that there is some sort of enhanced music file processing over what one gets with most home computers and storage happens by plugging an external storage drive(s) to this sort of component??  Can someone enlighten me better about these?  The Blue Sound “Vault” has caught my eye of late but I’m wondering if I might be missing something by not looking at the “node” by the same company.  I don’t anticipate ever using any sort of music subscription service if this is important...  

Showing 1 response by mtraesbo

My practical experience adding to the above:

8 years ago I ripped all my CDs and started streaming them from iTunes. Shortly after I discovered Spotify and stopped streaming my own CDs and did Spotify instead as Spotify also provided access to all the music that I did not own. After some time I tested Tidal and found out that the quality was better and moved to Tidal, where I am now.

Then I wanted to stream to my HiFi and not just from my computer. I wanted to use my phone as remote controller. Hence, I looked for a streamer that I could connect to my amplifier. Initially I decided for a cheap solution from german Raumfeld and a cheap DAC from Musical Fidelity - to try things out. That worked perfect.

I learned about Roon and realized that provides a lot of information about the bands and albums that I wanted. Hence, I upgraded my streamer to a Roon Ready streamer, where I have Roon and Tidal (Innuos Zen mini).

Next was upgrading my DAC, where I was in doubt whether to select an MQA enabled or not. I finally decided for a non-MQA called RME ADI-2 DAC.

As part of the process I have upgraded my Ethernet and USB cable.

Good luck with your journey ahead.