Elizabeth is right on.
novice needs help with cables
Please help. I am a relative newcomer to the game and need help with speaker and interconnect cables. I have JM labs micro beryllium speakers, benchmark media systems DAC1 used with an old sony CD player as a transport, B&K AVR 507 receiver (I was into home theater before discovering high end audio). I am not interested in upgrading amp or preamp at this point, as I am satisfied with the CD performance currently and want to wait until there is some sort of standard high rez format including a standard high rez connection between it and the preamp. I am looking currently for a high quality sub (rel, revel, velodyne dd, etc). I want to try to do the cable thing right instead of continually changing. I will likely upgrade to a more full range set of Wilson speakers within the next couple of years. I know they rec. transparent. Should I use transparent reference throughout or maybe use a different brand of interconnect, like nordost valkyrja or valhalla. I listen to a wide range of music but mostly rock (hard to soft) and Norah Jones type music. I love hugh dynamics and intricate detail (hence the aspiration to Wilsons), but not to the point of overly analytical uninvolving.