Nothing new under the sun?

Reading all the material available on audio, there seems to be fairly widely divergent opinions about how much progress we're making, about whether anything truly new is coming about, or whether it's all just marketing.

On the one hand, you read constant reviews, both professional and personal, detailing how the new speaker takes the listener places they've never been before. "Performance like this cost 10X the price just a few years ago", or was unavailable, etc. Not just speakers, any component. The implication is that major strides are being made and the result is much lower prices for much higher performance.

An alternative view is that there is nothing new under the sun, just slick marketing. With this view, you can buy some excellent equipment from the last 20 years, get great sound, and never look back because nothing being put out today performs signicantly better.

Which is it? Should we all just admit that what we have today isn't going to be bettered any time soon and find another hobby?


Showing 1 response by beemer

I truly believe that you can get good sound without breaking the bank, however the higher "high-end" is pricing itself out of a market, IMHO.

I also believe there's a lot of slick marketing going on as well. Worst offenders: Cable, and speakers.

I can say one thing, I'm keeping my IRS Betas. True full-range speaker prices today are well out of control IMHO.