Not too knowledgeable and a cartridge/ phono amp recommendation is desired

I’m looking to improve my simple system in stages and need some ideas. Currently my 2 channel system is an Outlaw RR2160 receiver, Klipsch Heresy w/Crites crossovers/tweeters. The current turntable in the system is Thorens TD 160 Super with a Jelco SA-750 tone arm and a Dynavector 10x5 cartridge. My other turntable is a VPI Scout with JMW Memorial Tonearm and a 2m Bronze cartridge and connected to a surround system that does it no justice. The front speakers in the surround system are PSB Imagine Ts. I find the Klipsch while a little brighter they are definitely more detailed. I actually prefer them. I’ve tried both with the Outlaw.
I’m going to incorporate the VPI into my 2 channel sytem and think a pre amp and cartridge is in order. I honestly do not know how to incorporate a pre amp into my receiver or setup the turntable properly with a new cartridge. I listem mostly to Blues and roots type music. Currently Eilen Jewell on the Thorens. My max budget is $2000 dollars for pre amp and cartridge but would like to spend  less. Speakers(Cornscala are on my radar) and then amp will be next. Sound advice is desired. Thanks in advance for any response.

Showing 1 response by goheelz

Your system(s) is not as simple as you've indicated.  Recommend you set aside the surround system for movies only. Two channel is where it's at for vinyl playback.

That leaves you with the Outlaw receiver and two turntables: a vintage Franken-Thorens and a newer VPI.  If you like having two turntables, hook them both up to the Outlaw receiver for now.  Use the MM (moving magnet) phono input for the Thorens.  Buy a $125 Schiit Mani phono stage for the VPI.  The Mani can accept either moving magnet or moving coil cartridges, and it it's very good for the money. It's easy to attach the Mani to your Outlaw by connecting it to an AUX or other line level input. Set up this way, you can shuffle between the two turntables and maybe swap cartridges around to see which one you like better and which turntable you like better.  You can also test the Mani against the built-in phono stage in the Outlaw.  I'll bet that the Mani will be superior.  I also have a hunch you'll like the VPI set up somewhat more than the Thorens, but you never know, right? Then sell the turntable that is lesser, or for fun get a mono cartridge (if you have mono records) and use it on the lesser turntable as a dedicated mono rig alongside the other turntable that is set up for stereo.