Not to be missed at Axpona

My wife and I attend Axpona every year. We spend all day, all three days. We tend to cover it pretty well. It never seems to fail though, that when the reviews start there's always things that we missed and would've liked to have seen and heard. Seeing as how Axpona is just around the corner are there any suggestions about products and displays that we should make it a point to see? I know the website talks about new products that will be shown. How about beyond that. Anybody heard of anything that will be unmissable?

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Showing 1 response by jackcoke

Thanks for the suggestions. These are the types of things we have missed. 

In regards to my wife attending the show, she does enjoy it. We are local (25mins away) and we know quite a few of the area reps. Over the years, we've made a number of friends that we see at the show. She loves music and together we've built an exceptional system. She enjoys the concerts and we eat out the whole weekend. That's a plus.