You don't really give enough info to guess. What are the old CDs? If you loaded them unto your Mac one suspects either they are very old or else religious music. Sorry, the devil made me say that. Seriously, it could be many different things or a combination thereof. If the CDs were stored in the wrong environment they could have deteriorated, you might have been unlucky in your choice of CDs, they could have been damaged in various ways, the new ones may just be better, it is hard to know.
Not sure I am hearing what I think
OK I am just getting back into the music. I have been loading all my old Cd's unto my mac mini. The system is basically NAD and Maggie's. I just uploaded some new Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab cd's. The system has sounded nice and clean, good sound stage and nice warmth. The new disc's are so much better sounding. Is it just the more modern recordings or is something else happening?