Not manufactured any more.

I'm looking at old Pics of speakers that I would love to see come back. 

I'll post two or three. What do you like? Post your DIY or that speaker that got away..

Enjoy the Holidays


Showing 1 response by wspohn

Martin Logan Monoliths


Apogee Scintillas (I own one of the few power amps capable of driving those 1 ohm amp killers, but have never been able to find a pair for sale)

Vandersteen 4A (I also own a pair of those - only a few hundred made in between his other higher production speakers. Pic is my pair, triwired and biamped. (the amps are Classe DR3 VHC run in mono mode -they made only 133 of them - I own 3 of them - so not exactly thick on the ground). Bass is run by PSE V monos) If you ever find a pair of these speakers, buy them!.