Not manufactured any more.

I'm looking at old Pics of speakers that I would love to see come back. 

I'll post two or three. What do you like? Post your DIY or that speaker that got away..

Enjoy the Holidays


Showing 5 responses by jdoris

=1 x5owner1 on the Gallo 3 series.  Could sound very good indeed, and at  very reasonable price point, esp. by the standards of today's hobby.


I briefly had a pair of 3.5s or 3.6s, but could not get them to sing with the 30wpc amp I was running.  I expect they wanted a bit of juice.

Weird that the company persists, but discontinued the special speaker in their line (the Strada is good, but not in the same league)




When I bought the Gallo 3 series, I multiply auditioned the Strada 1s, and while I found them good with the Gallo sub, I had a clear preference for the 3s.

Interesting sidenote:  I've bought most of my speakers without hearing them, but the Gallo's were an exception, and I got to closely listen to both the Stradas and the 3s several times.  I've enjoyed almost all of my speakers, but the Gallo's lasted about a week, despite my loving the auditions.  As I said, I suspect power issues, despite the Gallos being rated down to 30w.

With the right amp, I could se an old pair of 3s being a steal, though I'd not want to find service on that CDT3.

One set of designs that ought be much missed by DIYers (and everyone else) are the kit speakers from George Short at North Creek.  Mostly pretty basic MTM or two way designs, with top quality components, often voiced to be placed quite near boundaries (very helpful for many of us), and sold at real world prices.

Below is is somebody's very attractive build of the Big Kat. The smaller, and still very good, Eska was one of my first serious speakers, with figured walnut boxes built by George's colleague Lee Taylor.  They still serve admirably as the fronts in my small home theater.


Sounds like boxes are pretty dreadful!  I wonder why so many cost-no-object designs use them? ;)

But back to our regularly scheduled programming!


Thanks, I can noe see where you are coming from.

I think the planer/box question is very much a matter of taste, rather than a question of objective obsolescence.


I've listened to decent bit to Maggies, and while I admire them, the sound a bit vaporous to me, and I prefer the punch I hear in boxes.  Judging by the composition of the market, many others, including those who can fool with room and kit all they want, have similar sentiments.  Nobody has to be "right" here, of course.


Cheers, and back to our originally scheduled programming! 😊