Not manufactured any more.

I'm looking at old Pics of speakers that I would love to see come back. 

I'll post two or three. What do you like? Post your DIY or that speaker that got away..

Enjoy the Holidays


Showing 2 responses by harrylavo

Thumbs up on the Heil AMT-1's.  I owned four of them .... used them in a quad system in the mid-70's and then sold/gave them to musician friends of mine (classical) .... one of them uses a pair of them today powered by a Citation 11 preamp and an Amber ST-70 power amp.  I taught her how to position them for best sound (not the way HP recommended in The Abso!ute Sound,) and she gets it.  So folks visiting her can hear her 9 ft Steinway live and through her audio system, if they want to.  She gets lots of compliments on the sound even today.

elliotbnewcomb - AR-2Ax, my first decent speakers while in college. Got em with wedding gift money. Anyone remember the AR sound booth at Grand Central Station, NYC? Sam Goodys?

I was just of of B-School and working in White Plains, NY at the time.  Got into Manhattan on business about once per week.  Spent many hours in that sound room.  Eventually led to 2AX's followed by 3A's.