Not impressed

Just getting sick of the Hi Fi Merry Go Around...getting ready to throw in throw in the towel. Price to performance ratio is not all that rewarding. Sucks not being able to Audition before I buy....find a a nice amp.......good luck finding a preamp to match......on and on

Showing 1 response by courant

Part of how I earn my keep is in branding and user marketing. Part of how audio is marketed is to incentivize the aficionado segment to "Chase the New." For example, the auto industry wants "Car Guys" to change their rides about every 4 years.

Audio is not much different. The Mid-Fi and High-End shops, whether online or brick-and-mortar, thrive via repeat business.

At the end of the day, the astute consumer needs to decide at what point a hobby is about acquisitiveness vs usage. It's not uncommon for an avid guitar collector to have 10+ guitars, even though you can only play one at a time (with a second in the wings when your D-String breaks :-) ). Many people find happiness owning things they never use. Go to if you want to witness acquisitiveness taken to extreme levels. Personally, it's not my cup of tea, but if you can afford to play and it brings you happiness, who am I to judge?

Likewise, many enjoy "the hunt" more than the capture. If you are in this camp, then you might need to decide at some point whether you have reached a degree of critical mass. That, or you transition into to realm of "Hoarder."

I also like the suggestions from Elizabeth and Dopogue, and am eager to see if getting a horse and then putting it on a boat catches on.