Not Another NuForce thread......

Ok, first I am not shill or related to, or affiliated with NuForce in any way...I just thought that we should have a thread to discuss the V2...

I just placed the Reference 9 SE "V2" in my system after living with the NuForce 9 SE for the past year and auditioning the Reference 9 V2 for the past 2 months...

I am putting out there for comment and debate that the Reference 9 SE V2 is one of the top 5 best amplifiers out there and currently available. (I personally think that it one of the top 3, but I am leaving room for argument)

Sitting in my room last night I was reminded of one of those transforming audio experiences. My first ones was couple of hours with the Sinus Faber Amati Homage pushed with a full compliment of the top of the line ML gear all with in a perfectly treated room....My experience with the Reference 9 SE V2 was like that...

Please comment if you are able on the V2 in general, what was your experience?? Are your thought of the Reference 9 SE V2 the same??

Showing 14 responses by jb8312

Viridain - No, I have not heard all amps. But, as a reviewer for , I have heard many – I suspect, more so then most audiophiles. I have been to many shows where I heard the "best" and the "flavors of the month" as concluded by the crowd. I certainly heard a large enough sample and all the most highly regarded amps to come to my opinion. And, remember, it is only "my" conclusion and making such a statement was born out of a true desire to spread the work about a remarkable product.

Jaybo - Yes, the "top 5" is fluid - But the real kicker here is that the $5k V2 competes favorably with amps 4 times its price. If it is better, is for you to decide. But, I assure you, it will be close.
Versions - I asked Jason about the market perception (and reality) that NuForce makes revisions weekly. Because I, like you all, don't like to feel I am behind the ball from the get go. Basically, with the V2 came some new "patented" technology and other propritory changes. So, when will the V3 introduced, I asked? I was "told" that NuForce plans to stand on this Version for some time as they beleive, and I agree, that the changes made are so significant that improvment on it will take another major change in technology or the sort.

Yes, I may have bit off more than I should have when I claimed "one of the top 5", but I was (am) so impressed and amazed at the improved preformance that such a statement is not far off. I challange anyone to give a good listen to the 9 SE V2, I strongly suspect that you too will be amazed and find your self thinking and saying things about it performance that you would not have thought before about any amp.

My reviews? Both the Ref 9 SE and the 9 V2 are posted and the Ref 9 SE V2 is a while off...I have some others in line first.

Zing? With the V2 there simply is none.

It all about the V2. As good at the none V2 units are, the V2 is really something else.

Lacee - I agreee with your lodgic, and with that said, I bekleive me the Ref 9 SE V2 is their best and (maybe) final.

Never say never, right? But, I think with this version, NuForce should stand on it and let the market take them in. They are very very good, perhaps the sound they have been chasing with the earlier versions.

God, help us all.
Viclondon - Good Post. I agree the NuForce handle a broad range of music very well. I did find a weakness last night. After listening to some really well recorded music, I decided some U2 was in order. I was never more aware of just how compressed the Joshua tree disc was until that moment.

Now, recall I just got done listening to a wonderfully recorded live event (Diane Reeves; In the Moment) so I was really “In the Moment”, I am afraid that even the NuForce could not compensate for the compression that was the Joshua Tree disc. I was listening at very high levels (16/31 on the digital volume)so it was still a lot of fun.....just a little eye-opening.

PS: Unfortunately, this place is taking on a bit of the AA flavor that I could not take any longer.
Arbukle --

The point I originally wanted to make with this thread is that the state of "Class D" has changed with the NuForce V2.

I enjoyed my SEs for a year, but in all honestly, once I moved into my larger space - I could not help but hear the digital-ness of the amps and was getting pretty itchy.

With the V2, all is right in the world. Since putting the Ref SE V2 in the mix, I have be zipping home each night excited to hear what I can get out of it next. Since putting it in, I have spent well over $500 on new music and hour of time rediscovering the old again. In short, the promise has been fulfilled, IMO.

I have nothing left to do but start with room treatments.

Drubin - If you read my "post script" to my review linked in the posting above at Postive Feedback, I suspect you will get your answer...

In short the Ref 9 V2 out performs the Ref 9 SE....

The Ref 9 SE V2 out performs the Ref 9 V2 by a significant margin, this whole thread was initiated after listing to the Ref 9 SE V2 (and reviewing the Ref 9 V2). While I was very very impressed with the Ref 9 was the SE V2 that compelled me to make the claims as I did.

Jeez.....I go on vacation for 10 days and my thread jumps from 70 posts to 160!!!

I still love the Nuforce Ref 9 SE V2...However, I lent the Ref 9 V2 to another review who used a Krell FBI Integrated as his "pre" and he thought it sounded thin.........Krell. was his guick interpretation that the presentation was "thin"....I suspect it was the Krell.

I agree - Nuforce does not sound thin in my set up.
I wanted to point out that Bob Levi just posted his review of the NuForce 9 V2 SEs (mine to follow) and his thoughts are relevant to issues raised in this thread. i.e. comparisons to mega buck amps...

Read Here:

Anyone care to comment?
Chris -

I agree with you and find the situation remarkable. I wish I had an answer but I don't. I will say that many of the extreme opponents that I have spoke with never spend a lot of time will switching amps in general and reached their conclusions in a knee-jerk fashion.
On the other hand, I have not found anyone that has spent a respectable amount of time with a NuForce amp and remained completely opposed to them, unless they had a vested interest. (i.e. did not carry them, did not manufacture any “Class D” amps or recently spend tons of cash on a more traditional design)

Also, the "new technology" argument does not fly with me. By my estimate, the Bel Canto Evo hit the market in 2001 and I believe there were others before that. The current state of D amps, such as any of the V2 from NuForce, represents a culmination of development and refinements to the technology. It has have taken CDs 25 years to sound really good, whereas these D amp have taken 7 - 8 years.

Then there is the resistant to change concept. Although you cannot quantify it or measure it, a reasonable mind can see that one who owns (or worse, recently spent larger sums of cash on) a mega buck linear or tube amp, will naturally shy away from a "newish" product which is 1/4 the price, 1/10 the weight, 1/25 the size and 100% cooler in temperature yet sound just as good if not better.

Be honest, have you ever defended a purchase (speakers being the most common) even though a "better" product became available soon after AND you could have afforded it??

All these issues could contribute to the division to extremes you spoke of....or we believers could just be wrong.
