NOS 12AU7s with Ayon amps

Just ordered an Ayon Spirit 2 - would like to know what NOS 12AU7s folks may be using with Ayon amps in general if not specific to the Spirit


Showing 3 responses by facten

Thanks guys, I also have a Rogue Cronus Magnum , it came with Sylvania & I have Siemens in it now - different presentations but I like it with either. Will experiement per normal.

I still only have about 15-20 hours on the Spirit 2 and set it up with Sylvania's - EC882 & a 5814 - one of each on each side - like the sound ; after awhileI am going to try RFTs that I bought. Also, to the point a couple of you made about the RCAs, Paul at USA Tube Audio emailed me the other night about trying the RCAs with this amp , so I'll plan on giving them a whirl given his and your recommendations
Recently swapped out the Sylanias with RCA chrome tops - like them better with the Spirit 2