North Creek Rhythm Kit Speakers, Help

Does anyone own or listened to these speakers, Im thinking about building some of my own and would appreciate some input.
I have in the past built several pairs of north creek kits.
Not only is george a very helpful but extremely knowledgible
guy. His RD and voicing of different brands make his adcise 2nd to none.You well not be dissapointed in his kits.
Thanks for your input, I think that I'll have Lee Taylor build them for me since I am not a great wood worker.
I've had the Rhythms (W/9500 tweeter) for about 6 mos. and am completly satisfied.I went with the upgraded crossover components and had the drivers matched.My former speakers were Paradigm studio 100's and there is simply no comparasion, the Rhythms are so much more refined , musical,etc.etc.etc. If you plan on building the cabinets yourself I suggest you use dados or biscuts to align/ attach the braces to the side panels. The method described in the cabinet plans (simple butt joint) is really not a good way to do this. If you enjoy woodworking and want a truly wonderful speaker IMO you cannot go wrong with this kit.