North Creek B&W 801 crossovers? Tried them?

I know they are rather pricey at $1600.00+... Has anyone auditioned these crossovers or own a set? I have a pair of B&W 801 S3 speakers that I drive with a CAL 2500 MCA. The sound is very nice but I was wondering what difference these crossovers would make, if any... If so would the difference be worth the $$? I only paid $2100 for the speakers (an AWESOME deal as far as I am concerned, considering the condition, PERFECT). Hope to hear from you. I am also looking for a pair of the stands they used to make for these speakers. Are there any out there for sale? Thanks for looking! Paul
George at Northcreek is of the impression that upgrading the internal wires won't make that much difference. OTH, if you google the subject, specifically regarding the 801's, some believe it to be beneficial. There is not much wiring internally. Wires to the main drivers are attached via a slip on connector. There are some who believe that soldering directly will improve the sound. Also, the wires to the revolving head unit involve another connector, allowing removal of the head unit. Again, some people believe eliminating the connector will improve the sound. Obviously, if you do this, the head is not so easily removed.

The bottom plate covers the original BW crossover, assuming the original purchaser of the Northcreeks left it there.

You did not mention if you also obtained the bass alignment filter. Some people feel the original BW filter muddies the sound a bit. Personally, I think it is essential to the overall package. If you can get the Krell filter, you'd be better off.

I would upgrade your amp, used Krell, Pass Labs would be worth an audition.

polly crystal brass feet! where do they go!. I have the 801's and the covers and the sound anchor stands.


I assume your response was to me previous note above regarding amps. If so any specific used models?