Nordost Quantum Technology Products

Does anyone have any experience with either the QX2 or QX4? Not much in the archives and googling doesn't produce many results regarding if they work or what may be expected in sound quality. My local dealer would like to sell me one or 2 but does not have the units to demo. He has never steered me wrong but if this is such a great product I would expect to get more positive results at least when googling the item.

Showing 4 responses by apshift

I was very pleased with a Qx2 and 3 months later I decided to audition an added Qx4. I bought that as well.

How can I put this? If you have been wondering all you hi-fi listening life what was missing from your music then try the Quantums. Depth, width, perspective, attack, sheer musicality - and yes, PRAT. I love it. At last I'm listening to the music and not the system.

I was sceptical till the moment I switched the Qx2 on. I asked my wife if she could detect any change when I turned it off "Well, all the tone's gone" she said, walking off!

Everyone who has heard the system now has been very, very impressed - family, hi fi friends.

There are dealers who will send you Quantums to audition. They know you probably won't send them back. Almost no one does.

The cost of this upgrade is less than any new major box you might buy and the improvement is much greater.

I know the info. reads like snake oil and I don't know how it works. It sounds like the mains must have been completely cleansed of shash but without any sense of loading that most mains cleaners seem to give. You've got to hear it.

I'll take questions...(ah I've had to register just to say this and I'm not the registering kind of guy)
Uhmm.... just popped in and read the above. If this guy has such a wonderful system why was he trying the Quantum anyway. What's he not happy with?

Just to add to my previous post: My background - I had a career in professional audio. I was a sound recording engineer on many commercially succesful recordings. I owned an internationally renowned recording studio that frequently had chart credits worldwide

I was trained to listen to audio analytically and I have a spooky ability to remember sound quality and acoustic environments back over my whole life.

My sound system would have a total value of around 18k dollars and comprises components that are highly rated in the high end audio market - ATC, Harbeth, NVA, Nordost etc.

For reasons of "domestic impact" (!) I don't have high end shelving for my kit and this may be an issue. I have developed my own methods for equipment support and minimising vibration induced problems which has made a big improvement.

The Quantums have removed a kind of undefinable grunge in the sound. More effortless musical energy has released. I love it.

If you can, try them.

Because of my background I would love to know how the Quantums work. Those guys who worked on NASA and defence equipment have had to deal with very low level signals and beat problems like vibration and noise generated at connections and in cabling. They know something about the interaction of electrical energy and materials that we don't know.

Sadly the QRT website has been dormant for over a year now and I have seen no new reviews. Does anybody know the situation Nordost and QRT?

Great that some people have systems so good that don't benefit from the improvement they make. Maybe they don't have the shash on their mains that I have. I am sure the more exotic components have been built with enormous care taken in choice of components and construction. I choose not to spend that kind of money.

What I do know is that for the cost of the Quantums I have upgraded my system to a level where I don't see myself spending any more money on it and that gives me enourmous pleasure hearing any kind of music, even poor quality sources. I'd like other people to check out this option.

Hey, Val 1 "live and let live"? I hope you get your system sorted.

Happy listening!

Lloydelee21, I look forward to hearing how it works out with the Q4. I'm still as thrilled with my Q's as I ever was.

off topic..I just got some Something Solid light rigid speaker stands for my Harbeth compact 7's and a big improvement on the ancient high mass Cliff Stone Foundations I was using before. Currently using the supplied spikes onto a wood block floor on concrete. Seems ok.
Hi,Lloydelee21, Just picked this up. I agree with absolutely every thing you say. The Q's reveal a musicality that I always missed in Hi Fi. And yes,.. why would you mess about turning them on and off! Just relax and listen. A life time in professional audio helps me not all to understand how these gadgets work. Radiation? Of what? Why can't we detect it! Rare metals at work, maybe?

I have persuaded my local hi fi dealer (that I got my ATC amp and Harbeth speakers from ten years ago!) to come by soon and take a listen. He now deals mainly in Naim gear and was unimpressed by the Thor a while back. I think he will be re-impressed.

If anyone knows what's going on with Quantum and Nordost do tell. The website has been same for nearly two years.

Re. Stands. I just bought a pair of Something Solid stands made by Mark Orr. Rigid light weights replacing my ancient massive Cliff Stone Foundations. Nice tighter bass, crisper timing. Excellent for 200 GBP.

I think vibration and resonance problems will be specific to any set up. I have used inner tubes and home made cups-and-balls to deal with the problems caused by the wooden unit in which I hide my gear from my wife.

Minute changes of these items can effect the whole spectral balnce of the sound in very audible ways. Presumably any vibration of equipment must modulate the sound.

Hey, Lloydlee21 get back to that music!