Nordost Purple Flare for GoldenEar triton One.R

I just purchased a used pair of GoldenEar Triton One.Rs. I will be powering them with a Naim Uniti Nova in a 17' 6" x 29' by 11' room. I need some cables and have been offered a good deal on the Nordost Purple Flare. I understand that many GE owners use Nordost cables.


My concern is potential brightness, which I want to avoid like the plague. While I have  not found the GE bright on the occasions I have listened to it, my demoes were never super long and I was not able to turn the volume way up. I have never heard it with the Naim. I have read a number of comments about the brightness of the speaker and want to make sure I get a cable that will not sound bright with it while avoiding a colored warm cable. I have not read that the Purple Flare is bright but have read opinions that Nordost cables can be bright. 


Anyway, I am wondering what experiences people have had with this cable and anyone's thoughts on whether I need to be worried about this rig sounding bright.


Thanks in advance. 


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