Nordost PC - Shiva, Vishnu, or Baldur?

I'm looking for a nordost PC for my integrated amplifier. My system consists of Krell 400xi, Krell DVD standard, and Benchmark DAC1. I'm using the stock cord on the 400xi and a Shiva on the DAC1. The DVD also uses a Shiva.

I've used Shiva on the amp before with good results. Now that I need another PC I'm thinking of moving up to the Vishnu since it's heavier gauge or possibly the Baldur.

Would it be worth it to save and get the Baldur over the Vishnu even though the Vishnu is more than adequate, current wise, to handle the amp?

Showing 1 response by gherrera1

Yes, I meant Brahma. Thanks for the correction. When I used the Shiva on the integrated I liked what I heard, but you nailed it in that it's a tad lean. I'm now using a homebrew power cord on it that's heavy gauge, but it's just not what I'm looking for. It slurs everything.

I'll wait a few more weeks and round up a Brahma cord instead of a Vishnu.
