Nordost Odin or Valhalla 2


Do you feel Nordost cables are worth it's asking price?  What's the proportionate amount one should spent on cables? 

After hearing them at RMAF 2015 and few other brands of cables, I decided to look into the upgrade cost.  I own a decent HT setup and invested over $125K in my pursuit of audio nirvana.  

So I contacted a Nordost dealer to get an estimate on my setup.  The dealer came back with an estimate of $110K on Valhalla 2.  Needless to say, I didn't even bothered to ask the cost of Odin in my setup.  

No offense to the dealers, but I started to wonder the profit markups on high end cables.  I do hear stories about some unscrupulous dealers who sell high end products to get spiffs from big manufacturers in shape of exotic vacations, free products and so forth if they sell more widgets.  Isn't this corporate hi-fi that only seeks to show returns for shareholders.  To me its pure business, where is the passion for audio?If they are only focusing on providing expensive audio jewelry and targeting individuals with deep pockets then I say, mission accomplished.  

I have much better experience with smaller companies who are dedicated and committed to providing 'magical' listening experience without taking a second mortgage on your home.  I thought the whole idea of audio art is to create aural magic.  

IMO most cables regardless of price point, will get you 80% of the performance of super expensive cables.   So is it really worth spending thousands of dollars more to achieve that 20% or 10% of performance? 

I would like to hear from folks who owns Odin or Valhalla 2 or other comparable brand of cables, what was decided factor in their choice, what other cables did you compare before settling with Odin or Valhalla 2.  

I don't have any hidden agenda or personal vendetta against high priced cables or dealers engaged in selling high end products.  The idea here is to gauge performance vs. cost of super expensive cables. 

Happy Listening!!!


Showing 7 responses by bo1972

I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I owned the Nordost Valhalla loudspeaker cable for 12 years of time. I also sold a lot of Valhalla in the past.

You need to understand the properties of each brand to have an idea what it does.

First of all each brand builds the stage differently and also in sound the differ a lot.

I work in the world of audio of almost 18 years. I have done many tests, because this way I learned to think and work in properties.

I think and work by Tru-Fi. These are all the different properties sound can own.

What are the properties of Nordost?

When I am at a show and they use Odin, you can audition often that the stage depth and width is not that big. Compared to brand like Audioquest, Transparent and MIT the stage is less wide and deep. This property you will find in each different Norodost cable you compare and test.

Instruments and voices are in real very small and direct. When you judge cables on individual focus, Nordost is not that direct and sharp compared to brands like Audioquest, Taralabs and Transparent.

In the time I sold Nordost I always used Kimber interconnects. Why? Very simple, first of all in blind shootouts clients prefer this combo always compared to only Nordost.

Why did people prefer this combo instead of a full Nordost combo.

It is very easy to explain. You add different properties to the Nordost cables what they don't do well.

When I add Kimber interconnects, the stagte became wider and deeper. The indivdual focus of instruments and voices became sharper and more palpable. The mid frequencies became more diverse and richer.

This is way I always said to all my clients; Nordost is incomplete. still can use the parts and properties they fill in the right way.

Based on my knowledge now and the way I work I could not sell it anymore. Because based on the properties of Audioquest I can create a much higher endresult.

Because I sell a sound instead of brands and products. I am only interested in the properties of each part in a set. I collect these properties and with them I build mu sound based on Tru-Fi. I have proven to many people that this way you can outperfrom any set created by the ’old’ fashion way of creating a audio system.

When an audio system owns more different properties sound is build of, it owns more emotion and intensity during listening. That is why you need to be aware of all the properties each part of your system owns.

All these properties together including the acoustics is how the stage and sound of your system is build.
When Odin is used at shows, I always say: we will have about 1 metre of depth. In almost all situations this is the outcome.

1 metre of depth for highend is unacceptable. I don't understand why the people who give these demos are F. deaf!

I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. I always said; it is incomplete, and these are facts.

They changed an importsant part to make the sound less harsh, but it still lacks properties you need and want.
They own the same properties, same level of depth.

You should ask why you would choose either?

I audtioned the presentation of Valhalla2, I any many others were not impressed.

I owned the Valhalla 1 for 12 years. But these days there are better and more complete cables.

Back then the Valhalla was able to create a better level in some areas compared to others. But now in 2016 we live in a different world.

You need to understand music and properties of other products and brands to use Nordost the right way. Because I still believe you can use it to create a good balance and level in sound. It is not easy!
I have done thousands of test in audio and still do it a lot. It is all about finding patterns and the d.n.a. of a product.

I was succesful when I sold Nordost ( for over 9 years) and it made a combination with Kimber interconnects. This combination made the stage deeper and wider. And gave it a sharper individual focus of instruments and voices. And also a more involving mid frequency.

In blind test people prefered always this combination over a full Nordost combination.

It is very easy to explain why?

It is more complete and people prefer this over a less complete sound and image. Most people never did as many tests as I did. So their knowledge and insight is inferior. They are not even able to think about these options.

Audio is all about music. And music is all about emotion. That is why I create audio by Tru-Fi.

Tru-Fi is how music sounds in real. And consits  of 8 different parts you judge sound for. All these parts influences our emotion.

When you create a more complete and realistic sound and image like in real all people prefer it. It is that easy to explain and even during listening it is easy to understand why.

When you do not have a reference frame, you never will understand what you are doing to create your system. It will based on nothing.

Thie is why audio created by listening and hear what you like never will give a stunning and realistric sound.

Because when you do not understand why the stage and sound is what you are hearing. 

All systems at shows are in over 99% incomplete. Because the way people make a combination  does not make sense. It is ineffective and at the end you are so far away from the sound it could be and should be.

When a system has a higher level of emotion and realism, all people will prefer it. So this is why audio shoud be created like this.
They improved in a better overall sound. But in stage depth and width they still miss quality. The same thing about individual focus of voices and instruments.

Also they have a too low blacklevel. These are essential parts you need to create a stunning sound.

They also need improvements in the diversity in the middle frequencies.
When you use audio by Tru-Fi, it becomes a lot more easy to understand.

Tru-Fi gives you the information about the properties each individual part owns

Each product owns its properties. I sold and tested Nordost for over 9 years of time. For met it is very easy to understand the properties.

At the end you need to use these properties to the max.

When you don't know the propties ( most people don't know, then you never will understand why the sound and stage is what you hear) audio is a big guess.

I have seen in 18 years of time that the main reason why so many sets at shows, distributers, shops and at new clients sound not that good, is based on the fact that they are mot able to think in properties.

The difference is endresult between Tru-Fi and 'traditional'way of creating audio is huge. 

I would give one advice; stop creating audio by comparing parts when you don't know which properties you bring in and which ones you get out.

This way audio is done by trial and error. This is extremely ineffective!!