Nordost fans

Are there still any Nordost fans here? How do you love them moving from entry level to upper, top line? Please share your journey and findings. I may/will look into XLR interconnects and power cords. Thank you
(I had some entry level ones (Blue Heaven, Red Dawn) 10 years ago but then quickly switched path to MIT, Transparent, Synergistic Research, and Cardas to get fuller, more body, warmth and sweetness...)

Showing 1 response by psnyder149

Over the past 4 years I have completely converted from MIT to Nordost, starting with Heimdall IC's, Frey SC's, Blue Heaven USB then Heimdall 2 USB and I'm now up to Valhalla 1 IC, SC and Tyr 2 USB (series 1 unless noted) and now am incorporating the power cabling, (Vishnu, Brahma, Frey 2 and just now acquired my first Valhalla), QBase 4 and various Sort Kones.

My recommendation is that you follow the Nordost's recommendations.  They suggest starting with QBase and power cords.  On it's face this seemed insane to me 4 years ago, but I have come to believe that the Nordost religion is more or less correct... even if I don't always understand or agree with their explanations.  My experience is even the lower lines sound better when a full loom is utilized.  My electronics may tend towards warmer or darker (Aurender, Classe Sigma SSP, BAT VK 500 SE, ProAc Response 5) but I have never found the products to be thin and harsh unless the electronics were thin and harsh.  I did find that the MIT line masked thin and harsh electronics.

For example, I was using Classe Sigma Amp5 for balanced L+R channels in addition to surrounds.  When I first inserted the Heimdal's I found the combination unmusical. I very shortly later replaced the Classe with the BAT and nirvana promptly ensued!  

My 2 channel system has a retail that is in the $50-$75K region with 7.1 channels taking it up close to $100K.  I now have something like $25K in Nordost products so this represents nearly 30% of overall system "value" and I have at least $10-$15K retail currently planned (3 more Valhalla, Frey2 or Tyr 2 PCs, Qbase 8 and QKore6) planned.  It is an insane amount to spend on cabling and accessories, except that each of these purchases will raise the quality of sound from my system and when I purchase the next set of electronics (high end 2 channel pre-amp and DAC) at the expected $15 K each range, all of the Nordost will be there ready for it.  I would not spend any of the money if I couldn't clearly hear the improvement and the value to me.  

I agree with the poster who suggested the Heimdall level, but full loom!  This product provides a really good overall value for the money.

I hope this helps!...  It only hurts when you whip out the wallet.