Nordost fans

Are there still any Nordost fans here? How do you love them moving from entry level to upper, top line? Please share your journey and findings. I may/will look into XLR interconnects and power cords. Thank you
(I had some entry level ones (Blue Heaven, Red Dawn) 10 years ago but then quickly switched path to MIT, Transparent, Synergistic Research, and Cardas to get fuller, more body, warmth and sweetness...)

Showing 1 response by bigamp

Sounds like we may follow similar paths.  I had a full loom of Valhallas, then switched to Transparent Reference.  Now I'm back to all Valhalla cables.  To me, Transparent Reference was too fat and undefined in the base, and the treble left a lot to be desired.  I found it offputting to have to spend more to go even higher in the Transparent line just to get the tight bass and top end magic that I had with Valhalla.  I've demoed a lot of cable brands in my system.  I'm settled on Nordost, upgrading to Odin over time.