Norah Jones?

Like probably many other A-Gon members I'm a sucker for great female voices. Of course being recorded well is a priority to feed my audiophile addiction. When I read threads recommending great female voices and recordings I rarely see anyone mentioning Norah Jones. I happen to think her music is excellent and very well recorded. I'm just wondering what the audiophile community thinks of her. With that said please keep the music tips coming. I have picked up alot of great cd's due to suggestions from this forum.

Showing 4 responses by warrenh

I love her, but you can't show what you ain't got. Saw her in concert at the Beacon. Lacking emotion, with no command of the stage. Just rolls through her songs. Sweet kid, with an interesting voice. Let's see where she goes with her new cd.
Eva, Melanoma, dead at 30. What a that was a voice...emotion,the whole nine....
Not the greatest voice, but there's something about it. Songs are interesting and catchy. Maybe a little ho hum, but there's something about them. She is dull in concert, but she, still, radiates a sweetness and nice energy. There's just something about her. Imagine; 25 years old, and she (the year she one the Grammy) earned $25 mil...I like her tunes. and her voice..Billy Holiday had no range, as well....Yeah, I know, she ain't no Billy Holiday, but she does what she can in that limited range...and she's to see her lose the jeans and try on some 4 inch pumps...Audiogon enui, does it all the time. I don't like to pick on her...there's just something about her...
Just got the Peter Malick cd. Only listened to a few cuts, but Norah is lovely. Then again, if I hadn't heard a thing that Norah has done, I'd probably think: "no big deal" It's the comparison to her hit cds that makes the Peter Malick CD interesting and worth the monotonous, boring, ho hum, unmotivating dance music, a listen. Good background music for working around the house, at best....glad I purchased it used....