Norah Jones?

Like probably many other A-Gon members I'm a sucker for great female voices. Of course being recorded well is a priority to feed my audiophile addiction. When I read threads recommending great female voices and recordings I rarely see anyone mentioning Norah Jones. I happen to think her music is excellent and very well recorded. I'm just wondering what the audiophile community thinks of her. With that said please keep the music tips coming. I have picked up alot of great cd's due to suggestions from this forum.

Showing 1 response by tlday

I disagree with those who find her boring. She is subtle. Her arrangements and piano ar first rate. The recording quality is only so-so. I notice in her video that she almost touches the microphone with her mouth. That may produce a certain fuzziness, which is my only complaint. Her duet with Ray Charles on the Grammy-winning album of the year is fantastic. To each his own. I'm also a big fan of Van Morrison, although his last two cds don't compare.