Norah Jones?

Like probably many other A-Gon members I'm a sucker for great female voices. Of course being recorded well is a priority to feed my audiophile addiction. When I read threads recommending great female voices and recordings I rarely see anyone mentioning Norah Jones. I happen to think her music is excellent and very well recorded. I'm just wondering what the audiophile community thinks of her. With that said please keep the music tips coming. I have picked up alot of great cd's due to suggestions from this forum.

Showing 3 responses by johnrob

I like Norah Jones music. Her music has it's place...quiet evenings or mellow hours. She shows her talent and that she can let emotion into her voice when she sings with Ray Charles. She also showed greater potential with the Peter Malick group. I look forward to her next cd. BTW, I find the quality of her recordings (redbook) to be excellent - the recording is not compressed.

I do find statements such as "She's probably even worse in the sack!" (see above) to be out of line and not very helpful.


I was away for a few days and didn't have a chance to respond.

Perhaps I'm a little over sensitive to the issue of what might be perceived as sexist, put-down comments as I deal with some clients who are at the receiving end of these comments all too often in my job as a psychotherapist. I can see how some might find humor in what you said, but (and this is a big "but") what you might not realize is how some offhanded and "intended to be humorous" comments can be threatening and hurtful to others, especially in a public forum. These type of comments refer to other people a being nothing more than objects and can be perceived as very degrading.

I'm sure that is not what you intended.

My point is that this thread was related to Norah Jones' music and not her ability in bed. The two issues are unrelated. You might try some different humor that does not have a perceived element of "put down".


BTW....... I typically enjoy your humorous quips that I've read on various threads.
