Node2i + Qutest or Yggy or Codex or something else

Need help to decide ...

Which is a better choice for me:
Chord Qutest
Schiit Yggy
Ayre Codex 
Some other DAC

to go with the following system I have:
Sonus Faber Venere 3
Parasound P5 and A23
Bluesound Node 2i

Mostly classical music especially symphonies 
Jazz, rock, pop, vocal

hardwood floor 

I am not getting the clarity and the sound stage I want when I listen to symphonies like Beethoven Symphony 5 or Violin Concerto.  

Is an external DAC the right solution? Or a better amp?



Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

Do you have a budget for a new DAC? As noted above, are you able to hear any of these products at your local audio store? The best way to decide is for you to hear it.

Please note that I replaced my Parasound Hint 6 Integrated amp (after owning it for 2 months!) with the Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp. The sound quality and imaging was much improved with the Ayre amp. This is only my opinion and others may agree or disagree.

I previously owned the Ayre Codex DAC and it is excellent. It only has USB and Toslink inputs. I ran it balanced to the Ayre amp and the sound quality was excellent. The Codex DAC sounds best when used with its balanced XLR connections.

I hope you are able to audition these components to help you make a decision.
+1, I also agree with Bob's recommendation above.  The Ayre Codex DAC sounds wonderful and is from a company with excellent customer service.