Node 2i performance suggestions pls

Looking for Tips/Tweaks to max out Node 2i performance for a newbie. ISO, cabling, settings, et al. Thx All

Showing 12 responses by lowrider57

I've been trying that as well.
Adding an aftermarket power cord was a very noticeable upgrade. If it doesn't help, try a different brand. You need a C7 cable (aka figure 8). Wireworld and Cullen make good C7's.

Using ethernet interface from the router is superior to WIFI.

I've been trying different footers and isolation, but so far haven't noticed a difference. Maybe somebody 
has a good tweak.

Yes, C7 is the PC type. No IEC connector, it's called a figure 8.

You probably know this, a good cable to the DAC is vital. I use SPDIF coax.
Sure thing @jetter . I'm currently using the Cullen C7; huge soundstage, very organic, good detail.
I auditioned a Wireworld which was excellent. Very dynamic, detailed, with a more forward presentation. Now that my system has changed, I think I will try the Wireworld again. It's that good. 
I would advise not to go for the entry level cables. You can get a very good C7 for $150 to $200.

@jetter , I suggest you try a better cable than Pangea. I have 2 of them at the bottom of my closet. 
A good PC will really open up the Node.

@lalitk , you've got me intrigued with CAT 8 Supra. And 4m is perfect for my needs. 

From the Audio Bacon review..
 a smoother, fuller sound (Supra)

@lalitk , I ordered the Supra, thanks for the recommendation. Looking forward to hearing it. 

I expect to hear some good sound from that little Node.
I'm using the Cullen C7 and a High Fidelity CT-2 S/PDIF coax to an Audio Note Dac.

Thanks @audiojedi . I ordered a CAT 8 based on @lalitk recommendation. You confirmed that shielding makes a significant improvement.
Has anybody tried any tweaks like footers or isolation devices? I've used various footers and platforms with no significant results.

I have not tried one but a Sbooster power supply might be a good upgrade
@jtsnead , that would be nice, but you'll need to remove and mod the IEC on the Node.

@lalitk , I wanted to thank you for the Supra recommendation. Installed it today and heard an immediate improvement in low-end impact and detail. Music has more weight. Jazz basslines are very palpable with orchestra double bass more detailed.
Many thanks.