Nobody doing thier own experimenting or research?

Just somethingI have noticed and I am not "picking" on anyone or anything, but I see so many threads where questions are being asked about things that, well hell, I would just try them and see if they work. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the people on this forum are knowledgeable class acts, even a couple have become my friends, but it does seem that a lot of the questions on the forum is more about getiing "approval" to set a system or an item a certain way rather than finding out from someone who already owns something about what they think BEFORE you buy. If I have the speakers in the house already, I will place them, if I have the cartridge and the table, I will try it, if I have the pre amp and the amp and the connects!? Seems it a little too late or even a little too lazy not to at least try it any and every way we can. Seems almost stupid not too try it and see what I think, before asking anyone else. Isn't that part of why most do this, to see what they can discover on there own that will help things sound better. I am probably going to be considered all wrong and get flamed on this, but hey its just an observation wanting for comment.

Showing 1 response by jadem6

I have received countless email from people on this site, They have excellent and very specific questions they ask and look to me for help. I've spent hundreds of hours playing and experimenting, I believe these people are simply looking for a direction that will not waste there time. I would rather see a thousand questions than a thousand frustrated people leaving our hobby.

I for one hope the questions continue to increase. The more people are willing to listen to ideas, the more we all gain from our hobby.