No Stairway and no Free bird.. please...

Hello Audiogoners I would like to hear your input...

Im starting a new band (i play six string)and plan on doing some originals but mostly cover tunes with the new band.. I Finally found another really good bass player (After the
first practice he asked me if i burned?) Geez..I hope i can keep this one out of jail :-) I said no but talk to the drummer... You know drummers. We have already been asked to play few gigs and we dont even have a vocalist yet.. this
is gonna be intresting.

Anyway this is just for fun and we will be playing some local clubs, large parties and watering holes.

I told the rest of the guys in the band to pick 3 covers:

The drummer says:

Jimmy hendrix- Red house, I say great!
Jimmy hendrix- Voodoochile, I say great!
Stevie Ray- Texas flood, I say great!

Bass players says:

Slayer- not sure which song yet but i said ok but
if doesnt go over well he's gonna have to pick
something else.

Primus- Same thing.

Rage against the Macine- Yes i agree!

My picks:

Alice in chains- Would
Rage against the machine- Killing in the name
Steve vai- For the love of god

Were going to need quite a few more.. I would love to
hear from some of you guys/gals on this.

Any suggestions?

Showing 5 responses by voodoochile


Its funny you brought up that joke... Thats
a good one i saw on another thread not that long ago.
The bass player is very very good but he is a little out there.. And i probably will have to negotiate some food into gig compensation for him. I just want beer... and
chicks :-)I think Black magic woman would be pretty cool
to do. I dont do drugs so i dont know if i can pull off any Stones/Keith Richards?


Im a huge Rage fan also... So is the drummer so were probably going to work on a few more. I like all the
ones you listed plus i really like the one from the
Gozzilla soundtrack "No Shelter" is a really cool song.
I havent heard Zach's new release yet but im sure its really cool. I think the RHCP's is an execellent pick.
The bass player can easily pull it off.. He is the best i have seen in a awhile. No vocalist yet but pretty soon.

If you think of any others please keep em coming!

I hear you... I know im gonna have to sneak in
some classic rock that the girls can dance too..

I think Gimme three steps would be a good one.

Anyone else think of any good classic rock people can
dance too?


I knew there were some people around here that like that
stuff. I love Slayer and many other faster bands im just not sure if the crowd will.. Im gonna try to keep up with the bass player he shredds pretty good... I think its
gonna work out real well.

Do you like Testament? Im pretty good friends with the singer.. I used to play with them back in high school.


Your killin me... Now how are we supposed to maintain a good mosh pit with those picks?
Whippin post is a great song or that other one Midnight Rider? I will talk to the guys on one of those...

Jeff.. I will check out your recomandations.

I really like the guitar solo in Comfortably numb.. A very cool song I think thats a keeper for sure.


For the love of god.. Is not as hard as it sounds.. Once
you get the "feel" and "sustain" down its very do-able
give it a try and let it rip! I also love My guitar wants
to kill your mama. Great song! every rock guitar player
can relate to that one :-)

Keep em coming guys...

I need to mix it up but also keep it somewhat mainstream.
How about some Tool? any Tool fans?
Or how about some ZZ so the girls can dance? which song?
What about some Black Crowes? which song?
Zstokes.. I agree with you I like the latest Tool too but its just not party/gig material.. I was thinking we could get away with "Aenema". Its funny because we keep saying were gonna do some stuff for the girls but I dont know... We added "7 words" from the Deftones last night. So far its a pretty hard set.. At some point im gonna have to start
putting some softer danceable material in.

I think that song is called "3 Libras" its a really good cut by Perfect Circle. I like anything Maynard works on.. I think he's pretty much the best rock vocalist in the world right now.


I was more kidding than anything else. Those are two of the all time greats.. In fact i really think that those two bands(especially Zep)paved the way for all the new stuff..
So i think i speak for the rest of the band too when i say great songs and nothing but respect for artist but doesnt
really fit in with what we to what we want to do...

Its funny you mentioned the girl singer thing.. Because we have a gal that REALLY wants to sing and she is very good (and she's a HOTTIE too) but i dont she will fit in with what we want to do either. But we might try a song or two.. And ask her to do some special apperances... But you never know???

Maybe some Lita Ford? Humm... Now you got me thinking...
That song she did with Ozzy... "close my eyes" would be
a cool slow song to do.

Thanks for input guys. We are having a blast so far :-)
Z...Walk this way! Perfect.. That’s the kind of stuff
im looking for! I do like Van Morrison.. Believe it or
not when im listening to my home audio my tastes are
pretty diversified.. Depending on mood.. I like everything. But when it comes to playing I really enjoy the harder edge stuff. Its just more fun to play.
