No Sound for TV apps thru Marantz AVR

I recently bought a Marantz SR7012 from Accessories4Less as people here recommended them.

Anyway - I also have a new LG OLED 55 inch TV and when I try to play Netflix and You Tube apps I am not getting sound from the AVR. What is strange is that it works intermittently and only for some movies and videos - but bottom line it is not consistently working at all and rarely thru all 5 speakers.

Accessories4Less says itsthe TV signal that is the problem and LG says my setup is correct and that it is the AVR that is the problem. 

I have it set up with both ARC and Optical cable .... Any suggestions asside from returning the AVR and trying another one ?

Showing 1 response by willland

First go to your Youtube settings and make sure is is broadcasting in multichannel.  Then do the same in the LG.
