No protection for buyers on Audiogon

I just purchased a set of headphones on Audiogon and was shocked to find out you are to send payment in full to the seller with no protection what so ever for the Buyer. It would be reasonable for a Buyer to wonder if the item exist or if the seller even owners the item. I have a good feeling about the headphones ($300+/-)but there is no way I would send say $20,000 for a pair of speakers to points unknown hoping they will show up in the condition discribed. This all might work for dealers with a record and place of business but what about a individual trying to sell a high dollar item. Who would trust sending them full payment with no recourse? Audiogon has dropped the ball by not offering protections for the buyer like ebay and amazon
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I do not think I "have my patties in a wad". I was simply observing that there is room for improvement in Audiogon's services.