No power on my ML SL3 on a stepdown voltage

I need your help.

I have recently moved back to Tanzania with my Martin Logans. The voltage down here is 240V, so I am using a stepdown converter on the Logans, which are 120V. They power-up for about five seconds before shutdown again. Has anybody experience this? Is there a way to by-pass the AC and hook up the needed DC voltage to charge the speakers?

Thanks in advance.


Showing 2 responses by planckscale

Thanks guys.
Jim has replied: It is the 50/60HZ frequency difference that is causing the problem. Instead of looking for a frequency converter, I will just replace the 120V-60HZ circuit with a 240V-50HZ board from ML, and plug direct to the wall!

Thanks again
The cost is $200. I just wish there was a Small-Form and cheaper stepdown that can also do frequency conversion.