No-one talks about Rowlands anymore

It's Pass all over the place. Is Rowland going down big time or terribly and expensively up?

Showing 1 response by astewart8944

I heard the Daemon at AXPONA in April of this year powering Joseph Audio Perspectives. It was hard to get a seat in that room. Many folks stated that the Rowland/Joseph/Cardas room was the best sound of the show. I thought it was...I went out and bought a Rowland Continuum S2 and JA Perspectives a month later. If Rowland is dying, they are doing it in style because their current Class D amps are musical, powerful, have an inky black background, are cool to the touch, look great, and are built like stylish tanks. I'm now a full fledged Rowland fan. I've heard the Daemon, Continuum S2, M925s, and Richard's A/B 625 S2 mentioned above. They all sounded splendid to me and never seemed to be working very hard to do it. It is that there are folks who believe Class D produces inferior SQ. I doubt those folks have spent much time listening to Rowland's latest Class D offerings.