No one actually knows how to lculate what speaker cable they need

It goes back to cable manufaturars, mostly provide no relevant data! to sales and the users. None will answer this!
Whay do you think that you own now the optimal cable to your setup?
I think I've figured it out. 


Showing 45 responses by dill

Any cable; interconnects, speaker, power, etc. will work in ones system. It is up to the end user to experiment & determine what cable they like best in their system and how much they want to pay for it. It really is quite simple, just treat it as you would another component.
" What makes you think that you got the right cable now?"
-No, I have the left cable now ... ;-)

" This is a blind shot in the dark as all other cables before."
-No, it isn’t having tried many cables over 40 years in the hobby.

" You still may have a cable that is not getting the best out of your speakers."
-Oh no, the humanity !!!

" You just don’t know that. "
-I know my system sounds very good with the speaker cables that I have installed now, after making that decision based upon my experience through experimentation. There is no shortcut.
" dill, how do you actually gauge ones enthusiasm?"
- A polygraph? ...... ;-)
" Can this site (forum) hold pictures? I can attach some."
That would be great, 100% WAF for sure!
Copper clad aluminum primary wire for audio? I don’t think so. Terminated into those crappy Nakamichi banana plugs ...
"Mr. Dill, this is not the one you address (Amazone). It is a good 0 AWG cooper wire."

- Do the research, I did, your wire is: Audiopipe HWY 836 USA Standard O Gauge Primary Wire PW-0. Audiopipe offers several different gauges of this wire and they are all copper clad aluminum. 

"I’ll tell you a secret: All cables are having a nylon sleve over, for a reason: So no one can see what is beneath it.
No one will cut a cable that cost’s a leg and an arm to check it. The cable they use, is no better."

-Not true at all, many of us have done just that. I have re-terminated many cables, speaker, interconnect & power cables.
BTW: There are many better banana plugs available, however it seems you are stuck at a price point so you won't consider anything more expensive. Stop acting like you know everything, there are many very experienced members here.
But we have been enlightened grannyring. The measurements have been made and need to be adhered to for the best sound, that's it. There can be no more improvements. Bottom line, don't listen to your ears, listen to those measurements. What a crock ...  
If 10 people listened live to leaves rustling on a brisk fall day, would all 10 report the same sounds? Would they all pickup the faint sound of a wind chime in the distance? Could they all hear the same birds chirping?

I say they would all have similar, but different listening experiences based on focusing on individual things. One may focus in on a bird chirp because they are familiar with that species, another might dismiss that as noise and focus on something else. Do you see where I am going with this?

How do you measure that? Music has the same effect on the ears, people hear different things, they focus on different aspects. How do you measure that?

Measurements are only a small part of the whole system and listeners that have experimented with all that has been mentioned in this thread, like to use all the different types of cables & tweaks to create the sound they prefer. You are not going to change anyone’s minds here. Your argument has been around for decades and ad nauseam on these type of forums.

One can’t listen to cables. I listen to my system with different cables as they do or don’t sound right to me. Cables have no sound, they only contribute to the system’s over all sound, good or bad.
" Doing it with engineering skils is another. I only say that with the engineering skils, you can reach the optimum first time, every time. The listening way, of try and error could be longer, nor promising an optimum result. You may alway assume there is one better out there that would upgrade your sound, without knowing, you are already there and nothing will make it better - only worse. This is the fee of ignorance."

That is absolutely ridiculous. My ignorance is continuing to engage in this silly thread, until now ... 
keppertup  said: "Ebay is selling 25 feet of 0 AWG copper wire for $23.  I will buy it, install it and report back. " 

At that price, you can be sure it is copper clad aluminum wire.

" How can I in good conscience argue with you any longer?"
Be he came here to argue geoff, me thinks science is different in his part of the world.
" What do you gain of it, except getting a bad reputation?"
Well, at least it took geoff 11,000+ posts in 6+ years.
You have reached that goal in 10 days & 65 posts, Congratulations!
" When you need cables thicker than 0 AWG, as 2x 0 AWG or 4x 0AWG, no one I know about, can do that. I can."

Nobody "needs" O gauge wire in their system, that is just crazy talk.
" This is all you have? Comeon, Mr. Dill you can do better than that. Like tell us what cable firm is that you represent?"

The same one as geoff of course.
grannyring & geoff: He has 3 people that have tried and approved of his design & theory. After many posts and thousands of words posted over less than a month, the OP has the proof, no doubt and all other cable companies are bunk. It is now fact, end of arguement. I would not be surprised that ofter a few weeks, the three that engaged in the test, will have different speaker cable in their systems.
Ok since you have claimed to solve the cable question: 
"What is the right cable for me"?
 Please solve these .... 
What is the right car for me?
What is the right boat for me?
What is the right watch for me?
What is the right house for me?
What is the right amplifier for me?
What is the right job for me?
What is the right city for me?
What is the right mate for me?
What is the right               for me?
It all started in 1977 (or there about) with Polk Cobra Cable, high capacitance, loudspeaker cable from Japan, followed by Fulton Gold 4ga., then Monster. It is interesting that after 40+ years and hundred of thousands of speaker cables bought and used, that this secret formula has just been discovered and released. This cure all theory is backed by a half dozen experimenters that have given early praise of first impressions. It has been my experience that long term use will reveal warts that go undetected during the initial experience.
Looks like you have altered your exell sheet. Your original spreadsheet had 3 participants your game, you have deleted Willson and now only have conradnash & keppertup on the latest version. It looks like the satisfaction level has dropped a half point too, from 9 to 8.5. You also removed keppertop's cost for the project. What's up with that?
Looks like you have been visiting The Emotiva Lounge. It seems you have been making "friends" there too. It is beginning to seem you are trying to push your "secret formula" on us, in hopes of positive reviews so you can start selling speaker cables. You where a bit more revealing of your intentions over there.

"Tell me what amplifier and speakers you use, the desired length, and I'll tell you what AWG would do. I may also give you a quote for such a cable, if you would like to have one."

"I am not a cable manufacturer (yet)."

Yet you disparage cable makers here. Maybe, after all, you are just another cable maker with a different spiel ...

Emotiva Lounge

"Nothing had changed. I do disparage an industry (speaker cables) that has no idea of what they are doing, why one cable is better than another, tell a bunch of urban myths and charge an arm and a leg for that."

-You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I and many others here would disagree.

"At least I can say that the dealers at the Emotiva Lounge were fair enough to come forward. Not like some other guys here that just fight me with anything they can grab, to throw at me. None of your accusations would stick. I am saying my truth, I always did."

- As far as I know, grannyring is the only one on this thread selling cables, he did come forward and uses the AudioGon classifieds. He voices his cables based on listening, the way most of us like to decide what sounds best to us. You do make some questionable claims, based on a ’secret’ formula.

"You don’t! even the excel tables were advertised in the oposite way you claimed. So you take bits from here and bits from there and try to get them alingned with your agenda, no matter what. Even if that is a lie."

- I have a screen shot of the first excel table you posted first and the second one you posted inplace of the first, they are different. Do I need to post them here for the forum members to read? I have no agenda and I am not lying. 

From your posts in the Emotiva Lounge & here, makes me think you might have one.

"Making choices with setting a sound system by hearing.

Some components shall be selected with the ears. Like the speakers. Some components shall not! Like the speaker cables."

If what you say is true, why after 40+ years of high-end cable use, the preferred way of choice is by ear and not by the numbers?

Thanks mitch, secret revealed!
Well, what do you know, used the formula and my speaker cables are just a few inches longer than optimum. All done by ear and the formula verifies it.
" So far, I proved my case and no one really challenged it, in a technical or logical way."

In your 214 posts and thousands of words you have 2 people that have bothered to experiment with your methods. It would be interesting to see, if in 6 months, they are still using the welding cable in their systems. Mitch2 has revealed the "secret formula", so, is there really any reason this thread should exsist anymore? What has been proven?
" we are thinking of changing from 4 AWG to 2 AWG to squeeze a little bit more from the amps."

- But wait, isn’t the "correct" cable size based in the magic formula that includes the speaker specs. & the amps DF? If you go to a different size, would that not violate the prime directive?
- Who is the we? Do they have the same amp & speakers that you have?

"What is your opinion?"

- How can an opinion matter? Remember the formula tells all ...
Do NOT use Nakamichi bananas. The advertising on these are false, they are not gold plated copper, they are brass, no copper to be seen. See link below, I cut one open. Use the higher end Furutech or Cardas bananas. Also, it would not surprise me the 4ga. or 0ga. wire you are using are not pure copper, at low prices battery or welding cables might be an alloy.
" Brass is used in all connectors."
- Not true, check out quality connectors from VH Audio, Cardas, WBT and others. I removed the Nakamichi bananas 2 days after I installed them and replaced them with  Furez TSTSB40NP . 

Don't use Nakamichi termination products, there are much better available. For example:

BTW: b4icu, do you really see the need to resort to profanity to get your point across?
I seem to remember in one of your 220 posts, on this subject, your criticism of the cable companies not providing details on wire design & construction. Well, here you go:

Looking forward to your white paper.
" Even with a mid end system, before you lay down your equipment, it needs a proper room and some excellent sources (recordings). Are you sure you have that as a start? "

Ah, are we now back peddling at bit?
Kimber 12TC Electrical Specifications:

(Cp) parallel capacitance: 494 pF / meter - (Ls) series inductance: 0.09 uH / meter - (Rdc) dc loop resistance: 0.005 Ohm / meter.

geoff is correct, here is an ad for fake Kimber 12TC
" For the right cables (what you call 0 AWG): it works. We have 3 more guys who did it and are very happy with the results. Sorry you missed it. The count is on 6 so far."

Well, one is a ’friend’ of yours, two are are ’friend’s’ of another member here and are not available to answer questions from us. I would put that in the hearsay category and should not be included on the chart. I am sure you will disagree.
Ok, you caught me, geoff and I are in the cable business. Our company has developed a formula based on common sense and practical application. Wire that can actually bend and not possibly rip the connectors out of the gear. Wire that would complement the looks of our listening environment. Wire that 99.9% of the world's audio enthusiasts use today and will in the future. Wire that sounds great and won't break the budget. Wire that one doesn't have to buy tools to build. Wire made by people that don't demand that we know all and if you disagree, you are a liar. Wire that will actually stay in the system for more than a month or so. Wire that doesn't claim "a scientific fact that some guys went the extra mile to try it and returned to share their impression". Wire that helps one dial in a system that is emotionally satisfying, not so called " scientifically" correct. Isn't that, after all, why we build these systems? 
"With all the respect to Mr. Nelson Pass he went the wrong path."
- Now that's rich, have you any idea what he has accomplished?

"No one here approved his cable sounds better than other, but mine did."
- Nelson Pass doesn't make cables. You have stated 6 people have tried your "secret formula", only the ones that have shared their results on this thread have standing. The others are hearsay. Why don't you reveal your formula?
Educate yourself:
" I reserve my right, not to give away my formula, at least not for free."

So, if not to make money, just like the cable manufacturers, why not reveal the formula? Or are you just a noble person and the accolades of a half dozen questionable participants good enough for you? 
It would be interesting if the first 3 AudioGon members are still using the DIY cables. Please chime in. The latter 3 are not AG members.
Conrad, I would be interested in your opinion of the silver speaker cables. I am using silver interconnects, like them and have been thinking of trying some.
Thanks for your input, I think I am going to give silver a try, I only need a 5ft. pair as I have limited space too...
b4icu said on 2/19/2019: " I’m no more available."
Yet, here you are. Now that is a disgrace.
No, I would never consider trying it. I think between this thread and the sister thread below, you just about covered it all. It is just not practical to use large gauge wires in most installations.