No love for Legacy Audio

Hello all. I have been on a few discussions here and read many more. I have not seen many of the posters here talk much about Legacy Audio speakers. I am referring to the Signature SE model and the Focus SE model. I am curious why people don’t seem to like them as much as several other brands that get talked about much more here. What is it you like better about the ones you are consistently raving about. Thank you. 


Showing 3 responses by helmholtzsoul

Well it seems that I hit the nail right on the head. That didn't take long.. How many post were erased by members and how many by the people that WORK for AG. The wrong people are erasing the members post.. They still haven't figured WHO pays the bills.. Strange WE haven't seen the registered mail being received yet by the owner. Maybe a process server is a better idea, you know the BOSS gets the goods then..

+1 jerryg123

From what I see most of the old guard I use to read have passed away, QUIT posting are suspended or they can’t post. I use to read, georgehifi, millercarbon, almarg, GK, tvad, oldhvymec, kenjit, oregonpa, and about 100 other ones.. From what I see Audiogon is literally Audio-erased 85+ % of the great posters. The part I don’t understand is simple tools would have avoided the whole mess.

The "ignore option"

"Closing discussions" I’ve NEVER seen that one. You bring up the WRONG name in "start a new thread" it will be closed.. Something is broke all right. I’ve NEVER seen the moderators speak up and contour the discussion if it starts to go south..

Close or erase the whole thing SEEMS the be the easiest thing to do.. It’s not the right thing to do, but it’s AGs way.. Being a human myself, this site treats some like super humans and some like sub humans, but equality across the board. LOL it just doesn’t happen.

My buddies scold me for even posting here. I figure if I don’t, who will write what I like. I guess it’s up to ME to make me happy..

Red and Scotty both were on the horn last night from Finland of all places. Great supplies are warehoused there.

Scotty said a lot of what they are fixing was messed up from the inside out, NOT the outside in.. He had a big smile on his face. The Fins have the parts at a reasonable price.. FREE. They just have to transport them. That can be tricky.

After this post the number of posters will drop to 24. :-)

Remember from the inside out. Kind of like AG. The posters aren’t the problem. Who’s erasing the post and discussions is.. I know the truth hurts..

Legacy is BIG. I don't care for them..

Show me one time in the last 10 years. I’ll show you where the thread was either shut down, closed, erased or most of the post erased, and not a single word said by the moderators..

Do YOU know what a "Cooler" is? You know like in "Roadhouse". Their are bouncers and their are coolers. AG needs "COOLERS". It has WAY to may bouncers.

I'm sorry you missed my point. Let me make it clear. Threatening MEMBER is a firing offence. If moderators can't get a grip without threats they are WORTHLESS!

There are NO exceptions. I know how people get paid, Ostracizing paying members and contributing members is NOT a way to grow a business. Have you seen the sales? Do you wonder why? I do. Like I said I've been with the same group for 25-30 years and reading HERE for over 15. It's just lately, I like a little more substance than which end of the RCA do I plug in.. 

MORGUE-Gon is a better name.

No it's not a reflection on the OP at all. 

Legacy is still BIG though.. They aren't thick enough. I like mine THICK not wide. 44-20-99 is a good figure. I like that B......ASS..

On the other hand

"It looks like you’re creating a self-fulfilling prophesy."

No but I will get a response from the horses mouth, not the knee jerk reaction of his staff. There was 15 of us that wanted a little clarification of who ran the joint and what was the mission statement of his company.. 

Most successful companies want positive feedback from it's patrons about its staff. AG gets some really low marks in the REAL world, not AGs world.

24 posting members posting under 3 different names does not show GREAT strides in the wake of it's crappy post as of late. I'd rather listen to Yoko Ono and play with a wild tiger that had a hangover.

This place use to be fun, Eeyore's-ville dude!! Ok I'll go over "BEST" now.. 
