No good new music?

Curious as to how many 2002 new releases people bought this year - I bought a lot of music this year in general, but also felt like there was a lot of good new release this year as well. Being nearly the end of the year, I looked at my music inventory spreadsheet for how many 2002 releases I had and came up at >40.

How many 2002 releases have some of you purchased? It seems like this is some measure of how much good "new" music there is out there.

Showing 1 response by hififarm

I've seen over 30 live shows this year and think it's the best year for art in music for the last 25+ years. To fully appreciate art you have to experience it first hand. There's plenty happening now. Go to live music .Buy Steve Earles latest and see Springsteen and then sit and listen and concider there merits.