no-budget preamp?

Here's my situation: I just upgraded my CD player to a nice (albeit still low-end) Arcam. It sounds great when going straight into my tube power amp (a homebuilt job using mostly old Dynaco parts that has its own volume control) and my Spica TC-50 speakers. However, when I run it through the pre-amp section of my seven year old NAD receiver, the signal dirties up, I lose resolution, detail etc.

I want the convenience of the preamp for volume control, remote control, switching between sources, and the power amp does need a little gain on some cd's. But I've got literally no money. I know I have to spend something, but what's the cheapest option for a preamp that won't be a ruinously weak link in an otherwise pretty good sounding system?

Showing 1 response by dekay

No remote control, but the basic Bottlehead Foreplay tube preamp kit is $150 plus shipping. It uses two 12au7/ecc82 type tubes (supplied with the kit) which can be easy/inexpensive to replace/experiement with.

I have used one for well over a year now and highly recommend it. Compares well sonically with anything I have run against it (popular tube preamps in the $800-$2500 range).

It requires a good build and perhaps the addition of a snubber circuit (or two) in order to operate on the quiet side (for a tube preamp). Considering that you built your power amp this should not be a problem, plus there is plenty of help available in their forum.

Go to for more info and also check out the chat room/forum.

Mine is basically stock except for stepped dual mono volume pots (from Bottlehead) and the addition of a snubber circuit made up from cheap parts.

I never installed the C4S mod (you can read about this @ Bottlehead) as I'm not certain that I would care for the sound (the positive feedback of others describes a type of sound that I tend to shy away from).

In stock form it offers 3 source switching and if you go for the "stereo" volume pot configuration you then have a balance control.