no-budget preamp?

Here's my situation: I just upgraded my CD player to a nice (albeit still low-end) Arcam. It sounds great when going straight into my tube power amp (a homebuilt job using mostly old Dynaco parts that has its own volume control) and my Spica TC-50 speakers. However, when I run it through the pre-amp section of my seven year old NAD receiver, the signal dirties up, I lose resolution, detail etc.

I want the convenience of the preamp for volume control, remote control, switching between sources, and the power amp does need a little gain on some cd's. But I've got literally no money. I know I have to spend something, but what's the cheapest option for a preamp that won't be a ruinously weak link in an otherwise pretty good sounding system?

Showing 1 response by aball

Check out Antique Sound Labs LH-01. Remote and tube regulation for $499 brand new.

I haven't heard it but I owned one of their integrateds and heard the tiny 2004 and for the price it is great equipment. Head designer is often on AA too and will answer all your questions. Good luck! Arthur