NjoeTjoeb 4000 VS Planet2000 "Ding Ding"

And in this corner! Weighing in at �� Well you get the point! I�m fed up and I no longer feel like waiting out the format battle and like most people can�t get my hands on a Sony 777. In the price range of 1000$ or less It seems that the Rega Planet 2000 and the Njoe Tjoeb 4000 (which I have never listened to or know how pronounce for that matter) are forerunners. I have no Idea where to listen to the Njoe..and also am a bit weary for some reason of the hype I have read. Has anyone ever A/B these two units? When auditioning the Planet 2000 I was impressed. Any opinions�experiences? Of course this discussion does not have to be limited to these two units.
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"New Tube" it is. Go to http://www.upscaleaudio.com/ for more information on this player. If I'm not mistaken Upscale Audio is the importer of Njoe Tjoeb. Sorry I can't comment on the sound as I have zero experience with either player.