Nicks or McVie.....

Which singer do the fine people of Audiogon prefer? In the past, personally, I always preferred the sound of Stevie Nicks. It was in the early 2000’s that the show South Park lured my mind into thinking Stevie Nicks sounded like a billy goat. Having mostly cleared my mind of such nonsense, McVie is still my preferred set of female vocals. Fleetwood Mac is a fine institution regardless of who happens to be on lead vocals.

Showing 1 response by winnardt

Since we’re comparing them, we have to compare their work with Fleetwood Mac because Stevie definitely had the better solo career. When comparing their work with Fleetwood Mac, of their biggest hits, Stevie sang lead only on Rhiannon, Dreams, Sara, and Gypsy. Not bad, but Christine sang lead on 8 of their biggest hits, including my personal favorites, You Make Loving Fun and Everywhere. Got to go with Christine on this one. But her solo stuff was not so good. Oh, and as for greatest female rock singer, that has to go to Grace Slick in my humble opinion.