Nick Drake: incredible sonics

I just pick up a CD copy of "Way to Blue" an introduction to Nick Drake, a UK release on Island records. Whoo...the recording is so good it is spooky, like he is sitting in my room.

Showing 1 response by ben_campbell

Nick Drake's music is pretty much is the folk tradition.
Way To Blue is a good place to start for those unfamilar with his music.
He died in 1974 aged only 26 after years of battling with depression.
I discovered his music about 6 years ago and I now consider him amongst my favourite artists.
Be warned his music could be easily dismissed as whimsy folk material of the era on first listens(late 60's early 70's) but subsequent listens reveal a real depth to his music,a true original and something of a genius in my opinion.
His three original albums(5 Leaves Left,Bryter Layter,Pink Moon) were actually remastered again and released in 2000 in the UK(Island Records),unfortunately the mix was messed about with also,I thought the results were mixed,some of it sounding better than the original CD releases and some of it worse,Pink Moon in particular pushes his vocals too far forward in the mix making it sound a little forced.
He sold next to no records in his lifetime but there has been much interest in his music and sales as the years have passed.
I believe his song Pink Moon was featured a couple of years ago in the US on a Volkswagen TV ad creating a lot of interest.
Solid Air was written about him by his great friend John Martin.