Nick Cave - Nocturama

Excellent. The faster, harder stuff leaves me, but the rest is just awesome.

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA

Showing 2 responses by antonw

I like the slower stuff when listening seriously so Boatman's Call plays well all the way through. Just bought Nocturama & agree w /Phasecorr... (which 1st two?)

Are other Einsturzende Neubauten titles recorded well? Chams_uk, you mean on vinyl or CD.
Seen them live over 15 yrs ago, great show.


Thks, I will look into that EN cd. Having a hard time acquiring music now that I took my system out of storage last month. Find myself compromising musical content with fidelity, not a good thing as it gets expensive. Any tips appreciated!

Fad gadget sounds familiar, will look into them too.

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