Next upgrade

I listen to mostly LPs on my OL Auroa Mk1 TT with Silver arm and 2M Ortofon Blue driven by Musical Fidelity A3.2. Speakers are Usher 718x and Martin Logan sub. It sounds great, but the upgrade bug bit me. What would your next upgrade be? Thanks for your opinions.
Thanks for your input. I think I will upgrade the cartridge(I have the VTA adjust).
Don't forget electronic cleaners.These can be expensive but can make a HUGE difference. Try a Furutech product of LessLoss product. These clean without filtering which adds noise even as it tries to filters noise.
I recently owned the OL Aurora MKII with the Encounter arm and a Shelter 501 cart. Depending on your budget, Start with just the table and then add the upgraded arm and cart. Do you own a RCM? Super clean vinyl is a must.