Next upgrade for my analog source

Hi all! hope I can get some opinions on the next upgrade step for my analog source.

Currently am using Rega P6 TT with Nagaoka MP 200 (MM) cartridge, and the EAR 834P fonostage.

Preamp and amp are using Lumley Reference Amplifier (Tube KT88) and going to PMC 20.24 speakers. 

So am thinking of either:
1. upgrading the fonostage to the new PS audio Stellar phono (getting rave reviews)
2. upgrading the cartridge to MC type (maybe Lyra Delos?)
3. upgarding the TT itself (not sure what to get in the $2k-$2.5k range)

I mostly listen to classical (violin, orchestra) and jazz on my analog source.

Thanks for any inputs!

Showing 5 responses by jadislover

Justmetoo hmm i just want to upgrade the listening experience. 
Noromance yes I have rolled tubes and to be honest the 834p is a great fonostage

mijostyn thanks for the advice.. but I live in south east asian and dont think that brand has a dealer/distributor here
Justmetoo and jperry thanks for the input!. My rega p6 tt output cables are built in (cant be replaced) and does not have a separate ground cable. Would this hinder the improvements if i go lyra delos? 
Yes my pmc has biwiring terminals and yes I am only using the base terminal, and using the jumper meta (small clyindrical bronze). Would the sound improve if i change to jumper cables?

currently im auditioning the ps audio stellar phonostage pre amp. First impression is the detail and sound stage is really good... but the sound is a bit thin compared  to my 834p. Probably needs more break in time.

Thanks for all the inputs! Greatly appreciated.

my rega p6 tt does not have a separate ground line and the fono cable is not replaceable. Would this negate any benefits if i upgrade to higher priced cartridges?
Thehorn my lumley does not have fonostage input... 
I already own the PMC 24's .. the speakrs im using now

hshifi, yes am currently auditioning the ps audio stellar fonostage.. currectly still in breakin mode.. what i feel already is the detail and soundstage improvement.. but the sound still feels a bit thin. Lets do more breakin to find out if its major improvement over the 834p

OK i finally bit the bullet and bought the ps audio stellar phonostage after auditioning it... the details, soundstage, and mid is a level above the 834P. And it serves as good foundation when I do decide to upgrade the rega p6 (currently eyeing the VPI prime) or to upgrade the cartridge (lyra MC)