Next step after B&W 802D


I'm looking for upgrading my speakers. Would anybody have a suggestion for replacement of B&W 802D which would clearly improve?

System basicly is ARC REF3, Kronzilla SX, EMT 950, Lexicon RT10 (additional digital front end will be added soon) and all Cardas Golden Reference Cabling. (is on A'gon)

Thanks for your suggestions and input.

Showing 1 response by r_paton

I had the B&W 802 (non diamond) and went to the Wilson Sophia 2. The Sophia 2 is a great speaker. I'm now using Dynaudio C2 but I still prefer the Sophia to the C2 and the B&W 802. Agree with Bar81, see what you want to improve on. I wanted to improve on the bass and I couldn't get Bass from the B&W 802 because I was on the 2nd floor with cheap floor boards and I think the downward firing bass just went down stairs. My friend put them on concrete and they sounded completely different with much better bass.