Next step after B&W 802D


I'm looking for upgrading my speakers. Would anybody have a suggestion for replacement of B&W 802D which would clearly improve?

System basicly is ARC REF3, Kronzilla SX, EMT 950, Lexicon RT10 (additional digital front end will be added soon) and all Cardas Golden Reference Cabling. (is on A'gon)

Thanks for your suggestions and input.

Showing 1 response by 2chnlben

I had the opportunity to listen to the Krell LAT-1000 series speakers, which were absolutely stunning. While, I’ve not owned the 802’s, I have heard them many times paired with exceptional equipment. The big Krells are truly in a different league.
Of course, there’s the Magico V3, which has received quite a bit of industry hype. I’ve never heard them – but, I’d like to.