Next Cartridge

I have been using the ortofon jubilee cartridge for the last several years and am thinking about buying a new cartridge. I am looking for input from former Jubilee owners, what cartridge you moved too and how it compares to the Jubilee. My system is posted. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by nandric

I owned Jubilee for about 2 years and considered then as
the best cart I ever owned . Used with Triplanar VII, Kuzma
Stabi Reference and Basis Exclusive. Then I got a visitor,a former technician by Benz, 'together' with 4 Benz carts to experiment with and to choose from. My choice was the Ruby 3 s which has the same 'generator' as the LP but different wood corpus. A better cart then Jubilee but 'marginaly' so. Such are the differences among
the 'top carts' in my opinion: marginaly- better or different. I also bought Phase Tech P -3 G but for my Reed 2 A (12'' with 27 g. eff. mass). Very good cart but
with low compliance, suitable for 'heavy' tonearms. I can recommend both realative to the used tonearm.
