news on new sonus faber guarneri memento?

i have heard the new guerneri memento will be appreciably better than the original. any thoughts/news from others?
I have a pair of the original the Guarneri Homages and love them. Yes, a little more base would sometimes be nice, but the overall presentation of the music is to my ears remarkable. And thats it, "to my ears". As I am getting older I'm finding that my hearing is not as good as it used to be and question if I would be able to fully distinguish and appreciate an improvement. I get home in the evenings tired, and stressed out, turn on my stereo and listen to music. Music, that's what important to me. My 15 year old cat loves the sound as well. As soon as he hears my stereo playing he comes running down the steps and jumps up into my lap purring. He must know something. I don't think I will be spending the extra dollars any time soon to upgrade my speakers. I would love to hear what others think. It's hard to believe the tweeter and midrange frequencies could be more natural sounding.
I have a pair of the original the Guarneri Homages and love them. Yes, a little more base would sometimes be nice, but the overall presentation of the music is to my ears remarkable. And thats it, "to my ears". As I am getting older I'm finding that my hearing is not as good as it used to be and question if I would be able to fully distinguish and appreciate an improvement. I get home in the evenings tired, and stressed out, turn on my stereo and listen to music. Music, that's what important to me. My 15 year old cat loves the sound as well. As soon as he hears my stereo playing he comes running down the steps and jumps up into my lap purring. He must know something. I don't think I will be spending the extra dollars any time soon to upgrade my speakers. I would love to hear what others think. It's hard to believe the tweeter and midrange frequencies could be more natural sounding.